10 Best Places To Buy Microgreen Seeds for Your Garden

Places to buy microgreen seeds – that’s what every budding gardener and health enthusiast wants to know.

Finding the right source for these tiny powerhouses of nutrition can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available online.

The stakes are high. You don’t want to invest your time and energy in growing microgreens only to find out the seeds you bought were subpar or even worse, genetically modified.

That’s why we’ve done the legwork for you and curated a list of 10 best places to buy microgreen seeds. This guide is here to ensure that your journey into home gardening starts on solid ground!

Table of Contents:

Understanding Microgreens and Their Benefits

The world of microgreens is a fascinating one. These young vegetable greens, which are somewhere between sprouts and baby leaf vegetables, have taken the culinary scene by storm.

Growing in popularity among home gardeners as well as professional chefs due to their concentrated flavor profile and nutritional content, these tiny plants can be grown using hydroponics or soilless mediums. The growth process involves planting seeds that germinate into seedlings within just one to three weeks depending on the plant species – a quick turnaround time indeed.

Beyond being speedy growers, what really sets them apart from mature counterparts is impressive nutrient density. In fact, studies show they often contain higher vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant levels.

The Growing Popularity of Microgreens

As interest grows for nutritious foods that require minimal space yet yield high returns quickly, more people are turning towards indoor gardening practices like growing microgreen crops.

This trend isn’t surprising considering the benefits associated with such cultivation methods; not only do you get fresh produce year-round regardless of outdoor weather conditions but also control over food production processes, ensuring healthier outcomes overall.

Nutritional Powerhouses

Cultivating your own crop of microgreens comes with an array of health advantages thanks to their superior nutrient profiles. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, these miniature greens provide up to forty times more nutrients compared to the adult versions – making them true powerhouses when incorporated regularly into meals.

Apart from this, research indicates that consuming small but mighty veggies may help reduce risk factors associated with chronic diseases like heart disease, thus adding another reason why you should consider starting to grow them at home today.

Culinary Versatility And Flavor Profile

Diversity is a key appeal factor amongst enthusiasts, ranging from flavors, textures, colors, and sizes found across different varieties, each offering a unique taste experience. The possibilities are truly endless. Whether it’s basil seeds for pesto, garnish for a pizza dish, radish to add some crunch to a salad, or red cabbage to brighten sandwich options, the choices abound.

In addition to enhancing the overall presentation of a meal, certain types like beetroot and amaranth come with vibrant red stems, further adding aesthetic appeal to the plate and providing both visual and gastronomic delight. The next time you contemplate cultivating microgreens, recall that not only are you helping your body but the environment too.

What to Consider When Buying Microgreen Seeds

The decision of buying microgreen seeds is a critical one in your hydroponic gardening journey. The quality and type of the seeds you choose have direct implications on the health and success rate of your crops.

In this era of heightened awareness about the ingredients in our food, it is imperative that we make educated choices when selecting these small dynamos for growth.

Let’s take basil seeds, for instance. These little wonders not only bring an aromatic flavor profile to dishes but also pack a punch with their nutritional value – something every home gardener would love.

Importance of Non-GMO Seeds

The world has been witnessing a surge in demand for non-genetically modified organism (non-GMO) seeds among gardeners across all levels – from hobbyists dabbling with herb seed varieties at home to professional growers supplying baby greens mix or red cabbage microgreens mixes commercially.

This shift towards non-GMOs stems largely from growing concerns over potential risks associated with genetically modified organisms on human health as well as environmental sustainability. For example, GMO plants may demonstrate improved yield or pest resistance characteristics due to genetic modifications; however they could potentially contribute negatively towards biodiversity loss while increasing dependency on pesticides over time.

Non-GMO Project serves as an excellent resource if you wish dive deeper into understanding why many prefer natural growth processes without any genetic alterations when starting their soilless gardens .

Organic vs Chemically Treated Seeds

Certified organic versus chemically treated regular seed becomes another vital point consideration purchasing process, especially when considering the delicate nature of tender shoots like those grown using basil heirloom variety packs.

A certified organic label offers assurance to consumers that the product hasn’t been exposed to synthetic fertilizers or pesticides during its production phase, unlike the counterpart which might contain traces of chemicals used to increase shelf-life but potentially could be harmful if consumed on a long-term basis. If you are considering growing nutritious microgreens for your own kitchen counter, it’s well worth investing a bit upfront to buy high-quality untreated seeds to ensure a healthier to eat crop later.

Another factor to consider when choosing a supplier is the germination rate – we want this to be as high as possible to eliminate the risk of ungerminated seeds rotting in our crop.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing quality microgreen seeds is a crucial step in hydroponic gardening. Prioritize non-GMO and organic options for health and environmental benefits. Regardless of your preference, always source from reputable suppliers to ensure successful cultivation at home.

Best Places to Buy Microgreen Seeds Online

Exploring the realm of microgreens can be overwhelming, with an abundance of choices for those who cultivate their own. To start growing these nutritious greens at home, one must first procure high-quality seeds.

It’s not just about purchasing any old seed packet off the shelf – it’s crucial that you choose from reputable suppliers who prioritize quality control measures in their production process. Let me introduce you to some top-notch online stores where you can buy your microgreen seeds with confidence.

True Leaf Market, an established name in the industry, has made its mark by providing open-pollinated and heirloom sprouting seeds that are perfect for those looking to grow unique flavors right on their kitchen counter or backyard garden. They offer a wide variety of non-GMO certified organic seeds suitable for producing flavorful and nutrient-dense microgreens such as basil, red cabbage among others.

Understanding Seed Varieties

Different types of plants produce different types of seeds; understanding these variations will help inform your buying decisions when shopping around for your next batch of microgreen seeds.

If exotic flavor profiles excite your palate, then basil seeds might be worth considering. These tiny powerhouses germinate quickly under ideal conditions, resulting in lush green foliage bursting with aromatic goodness within weeks. You could consider sourcing them from companies like True Leaf Market known for sustainable farming practices and biodiversity preservation through seed production.

On the other hand, if color and texture are equally important factors alongside taste preferences, why not try out cabbage or radish varieties? Their vibrant hues add visual appeal to dishes while crunchy textures make delightful additions to salads and sandwiches alike.

In addition, the West Coast region is renowned for stunning landscapes and also agricultural products that extend even into the small-scale gardening realm. Companies based in this area have been supplying the worldwide community with top-quality herb seeds, both regular and larger ones, since the 1980s, making them a trusted choice for many seasoned growers and beginners alike.

Remember, the key to a successful harvest lies in choosing the right kind of seeds as the first step in the process: purchase from a good quality reputed supplier mentioned above and enjoy the benefits of fresh homemade meals today.

Lastly, let us not forget the importance of having access to reliable resources when embarking on a journey towards becoming a proficient grower. Websites dedicated to microgreens have sections filled with informative articles and tutorials, helping you navigate the initial stages confidently and efficiently. So go ahead, explore the possibilities and unfold the magic of nature at your fingertips.

Key Takeaway: 

When diving into the world of microgreens, it’s crucial to source high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers like True Leaf Market. Understanding seed varieties can help tailor your garden to your taste and aesthetic preferences. Remember, a successful harvest starts with the right seeds, so choose wisely.

How To Start Growing Microgreens at Home

Growing microgreens is a fantastic hobby that brings the joy of gardening indoors. Providing your family with fresh, nutrient-rich greens throughout the year can be achieved by growing microgreens at home.

Here are some key steps and considerations for growing these delicious baby plants right in your own home.

Selecting Your Microgreen Mixes

The initial move to initiate your interior garden is picking the seeds you desire to cultivate. A multitude of selections exist, each delivering its own flavor and nutrition.

A popular choice among many growers is red cabbage microgreens mix. These tiny powerhouses pack a big punch when it comes to nutrition – they’re high in vitamins C and K – while their vibrant red stems add visual appeal as well as taste to any dish they grace.

If salads or garnishes are more up your alley, consider going for something like a baby greens mix which usually includes spinach, kale, chard etc., providing diverse flavors along with being a rich source of iron, calcium, amongst other essential nutrients.

Sowing Seeds: Seeding Rate And The Importance Of A Good Tray

Seeds sown too closely can lead towards overcrowding, hindering growth, whereas those spread out too thinly might result in sparse yield.

Therefore, maintaining an optimal seeding rate plays a crucial role in ensuring successful harvests.

As a general guideline, aim to spread around 1/2 an ounce (10-12 grams) per square foot area across a moistened soilless medium within a tray, followed by gently pressing down on them without burying them deep under the surface.

Cover trays post-sowing, creating a dark environment necessary for triggering the germination process.

Once sprouts appear, gradually expose young seedlings over a several-day period, allowing adjustment to light conditions smoothly, avoiding shock leading to possible wilting and death situations later on.

Remember, the initial stages lay the foundation for determining the overall outcome, so ensure you follow the instructions carefully to achieve the desired results.

Maintaining Optimal Conditions For Growth

Microgreens prefer cooler temperatures between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit during the active growth phase.

Heat could trigger damping-off disease (seedling death), whereas cold slows down germination, significantly impacting the total time taken from planting till the harvesting stage adversely.

Light requirements vary depending upon the species; however, most types need about six hours of daily exposure, either natural sunlight through windows or alternatively artificial sources such as LED lights specifically designed to cater to the needs of indoor gardens efficiently.

The watering schedule should be consistent, keeping the medium damp but not waterlogged, since excess moisture leads to root rot issues, hampering healthy development severely if left unchecked for long periods, causing irreversible damage and eventually resulting in failure despite your efforts initially in setting everything correctly.

Monitoring progress regularly and making adjustments whenever required, based on observations made over time, helps maintain balance effectively – increasing the chances of success considerably.

Tips For Successful Germination

Germinating microgreen seeds successfully isn’t as daunting as it may seem. With a little bit of knowledge and the right approach, you can achieve high germination rates for your nutritious greens.

Here are some key steps to ensure successful seed germination when growing microgreens at home:

Maintaining Optimal Temperature Conditions

The first step is understanding that temperature plays an integral role in the process. For optimal growth, baby greens require temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C).

To maintain this optimal range, especially if you’re dealing with cooler climates or seasons, consider using a heat mat around your seeding trays. This simple tool will help keep those tiny sprouts warm enough to grow into healthy mature plants.

Sowing Depth: Not Too Deep, Not Too Shallow

A crucial aspect often overlooked by novice gardeners is sowing depth, the distance from the soil’s surface where we plant our seeds. Planting too deep might prevent light access necessary for photosynthesis; conversely, planting too shallow could lead them to dry out before they root properly.

In general, most regular seeds including basil, radish, etc., should be planted about 1/8th inch (3mm) deep, just enough coverage without hindering light exposure once they start popping up above ground level.

Appropriate Watering Techniques

Your watering technique also significantly impacts how well your microgreen seeds will sprout and develop into full-fledged plants. Seeds need constant moisture but not so much that they become waterlogged, which can cause rotting and inhibit oxygen flow needed by emerging roots.

For larger seed types like sunflower or pea shoots, pre-soaking overnight helps soften their hard outer shell, enhancing a speedier germination rate, drain thoroughly after soaking, then proceed with normal seeding onto trays.

Smaller seeded varieties such as red cabbage do not typically require any pre-soaking treatment – just regular misting until emergence usually suffices here.

Once leaves emerge, switch over to the bottom-watering method, i.e., pour water directly onto the tray’s base rather than sprinkling it on the foliage itself, reducing the risk of fungal diseases while ensuring young plants receive sufficient hydration via capillary action through developing root systems.

By paying careful attention to the aforementioned tips regarding ideal temperature maintenance, accurate seeding depths, and suitable watering methods, even beginners can enjoy impressive success rates starting off their journey cultivating delicious, nutritious homegrown baby greens within the comfort of their own homes.

Key Takeaway: 

Mastering microgreen germination is a breeze with the right knowledge. Keep temperatures between 60-75°F, sow seeds at an optimal depth, and use appropriate watering techniques. With these tips in your gardening toolkit, you’ll be growing nutritious greens at home in no time.

Exploring Popular Microgreens To Grow

In the realm of home gardening, certain types of microgreens have risen to popularity due to their unique flavor profiles and growth habits. Let’s delve into some favorites such as basil, red cabbage, and radish that are adored by many for their nutritional values.

Basil Microgreens

If you’re looking for an aromatic addition to your kitchen garden or plate, Basil microgreens make a great choice. Their intense flavor profile lends itself well in salads and pasta dishes while packing a nutritious punch with vitamins A, C, E, K along with essential minerals like iron and calcium.

Their growing habit is quite straightforward, requiring moderate light conditions coupled with a regular watering schedule, making it easy even if you’re just starting out on this journey.

Red Cabbage Microgreens

Moving onto another favorite among growers – Red cabbage microgreen seeds. These vibrant greens add both color and crunch, enhancing any dish they touch. But what makes these truly stand out is the peppery kick they bring, which adds depth to the overall taste experience.

The ideal temperature range lies between 60-75°F (15-24°C), hence they can be grown comfortably even in cooler regions too.

Radish Microgreens

Last, but by no means least, we have Radish micros known for adding a spicy yet refreshing twist, perfect for pairing up with sandwiches and wraps alike, giving an extra zest to every bite taken.

Just like basil, radishes also require a good amount of sunlight during the initial stages. Therefore, sowing them shallowly on the surface is recommended, ensuring a high germination rate.

These fast-growing plants take about one week from seeding until harvest time, providing quick results for those who love seeing progress rapidly.

Each variety has its own specific needs regarding lighting conditions, water requirements, etc. Research before embarking on an indoor gardening adventure may seem overwhelming at first, but remember – a successful grower was once a beginner too. With patience, practice, and the right resources, you will soon find yourself harvesting delicious crops in the comfort of your very own kitchen.

Key Takeaway: 

Microgreens like basil, red cabbage, and radish are popular choices for home gardening due to their unique flavors and easy growth habits. Each requires specific light conditions and watering schedules but with patience, practice, and research you can quickly grow these nutritious greens in your own kitchen.

FAQs in Relation to Places to Buy Microgreen Seeds

Who is the best supplier for microgreens?

True Leaf Market stands out with its wide variety, high-quality seeds, and excellent customer service.

Which seed is best for microgreens?

Basil seeds are highly recommended due to their robust growth, flavorful leaves, and rich nutritional content.

What are the most nutritious microgreen seeds?

The red cabbage microgreen seeds pack a powerful punch of vitamins A, C, K, along with other essential nutrients.

What is the most sought after microgreen?

Sunflower shoots are popular among gardeners because they grow quickly and have a sweet, nutty flavor that’s perfect in salads or as a garnish.


Microgreens are the tiny powerhouses of nutrition that you can easily grow at home. They’re packed with flavor and vitamins, making them a favorite among gardeners and chefs alike.

The key to successful microgreen cultivation lies in choosing high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers. Remember, organic non-GMO seeds offer better health benefits and environmental safety.

We’ve explored 10 top-notch places where you can buy these magical microgreen seeds online. Each one offers a unique variety of seed options, quality assurance measures, customer service standards, pricing models, rewards programs, or discounts.

Now that you’re aware of the criteria for selecting microgreen seeds and where to get them, it’s time to start your growing journey! The process is simple enough even for beginners: select your mix of choice; sow the seeds properly; maintain optimal temperature conditions; water appropriately – then sit back as nature does its magic!

If you’re ready to embark on this rewarding journey into hydroponics with Soilless Growers – we’ve got all the resources necessary for success right here. Our website provides comprehensive guides on everything from selecting your first set of microgreen varieties through harvesting mature plants’ full-flavored goodness!